blood collection tubes

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Most blood collection tubes contain an additive that either speeds up blood clotting (clot activator) or prevents blood from clotting (anticoagulant). A tube containing a clot activator produces a serum sample when the blood is separated by centrifugation, and a tube containing an anticoagulant produces a plasma sample after centrifugation. Some assessments require using serum, a few require plasma, and different assessments require anti coagulated complete blood.

1 - Necessary equipment for taking samples?
2 - Purple Tube: EDTA: Ethylene Damien Tetra Acetic acid
3 - Yellwo & Red Tube: Gel Vail, Plain Tube
4 - Urine Sample: 
5 - Stool Sample:
6 - Semen Sample:
7 - Blood Culture Sample:
8 - Cerebrospinal fluid Sample:

Necessary equipment for taking samples?

The following items should be collected:

٭wine pad.
٭Disposable latex gloves.
٭Vacationer needle holder of spuit (5, 10 of 20 ml).
٭Vacationer needle or 20-gauge needle for syringe. If larger amounts of blood are   to be drawn, an 18-gauge needle is preferable. Needles smaller than 22 gauge  should be avoided because the blood sample is hemolysis in the small bore.    

٭Smaller veins may require a butterfly needle.
٭Appropriately labeled sample on vacationer tubes.
٭Sterile gauze pads.
٭Self-adhesive tape
٭Needle disposal container.

Important: Know which specific tests to collect so that the appropriate tubes are available.

Purple Tube: EDTA: Ethylene Damien Tetra Acetic acid

USE FOR Cbc,Esr, Hb,Blood group,Peraphil Smear,,,,,,,,YZ
Whole blood is collected into blood collection tubes or syringes containing an appropriate anticoagulant to prevent clotting. Routine hematology assessments require a blood series tube containing EDTA, a chelating anticoagulant. EDTA preserves the morphology of the mobile factors of blood, 

making it a fine anticoagulant for hematologic studies.. Blood collection tubes containing heparin, which stabilizes red blood cell membranes, are used for special hematology studies, such as red cell fragility tests, and many special chemistry tests. Blood series tubes containing sodium citrate are used for coagulation studies..

Yellwo & Red Tube: Gel Vail, Plain Tube:

Use For Clotted Blood Sample:

LFTs, RFTs, Lipid Profile, TFT,LH,FSH,U/A,CH/ ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,YZ

Clotted blood is collected in blood collection tubes with a silicone coating or serum separator. Blood collected in these tubes is allowed to clot for 15 to 30 minutes before centrifugation. 

Once centrifuged, the serum is separated from the clotted red blood cells. Serum samples are required for routine chemistry, serology, and blood bank tests.

Urine Sample: 

The sample is taken in a clean container.


Use For: Urine test, Urine C/s, Urine Pregnancy test, Stole examination, Use for semen test ,,,,,YZ 

Urine is collected into a clean specimen container for routine urinalysis, either by having the patient void into the container or by drawing urine from a bed pan or catheter collection bag into the specimen container. Urine should be collected by aseptic technique for culture and sensitivity.

 The patient is instructed to clean the organs around the urethra and then collect the midstream urine. A first morning sample is always preferred for any urine test. Urine samples are collected for 24 hours for a variety of chemical analyses. For most 24-hour urine samples, some type of preservative is added to the sample container. 

The laboratory should be consulted for specific safety requirements. All urine samples should be refrigerated until delivery to the laboratory, to prevent bacterial growth. As with any sample, prompt delivery to the laboratory is essential to maintain sample quality

Stool Sample:

The sample is taken in a clean container.

Stool samples are collected in wide-mouthed containers that correspond to the volume of stool required for testing. Ova and parasites and stool culture samples are collected in standard-sized, sterile specimen containers. 

These samples are best delivered to the laboratory within one hour of collection and should not be refrigerated unless long delays are anticipated. Stool samples for 24-hour intestinal fat testing are collected in wide-mouthed, clean, gallon-size metal containers. Refrigeration is recommended.

Semen Sample:

The sample is taken in a clean container.

Semen is collected by the patient in a sterile specimen container. The patient should be advised to deliver the semen sample to the laboratory within 20 minutes of collection so that the motility,

Viscosity and viability of the semen can be accurately assessed. During transport the specimen should be kept as close to body temperature as possible and should never be refrigerated.

Many other types of blood collection are available for special tests. PAs are advised to consult with the laboratory before collecting blood test specimens that may require special collection procedures.

Blood Culture Sample:

The sample is taken in a Blood culture bottles ?

Blood for culture and sensitivity should be collected in a sterile culture bottle using aseptic technique. Alternatively, blood can be collected by aseptic technique into two blood collection tubes containing transport growth media. 

Blood culture bottles or transport growth media tubes should be delivered immediately to the microbiology laboratory. C Table 8-3 Four Summary of Sanguinis Collection Tubs..


Cerebrospinal fluid Sample:

Cerebrospinal fluid is collected by standard lumbar puncture, under sterile conditions, in sterile specimen containers provided in lumbar puncture kits. CSF should be taken to the laboratory within 5 to 10 minutes of collection for immediate analysis. A CSF sample should never be allowed to sit at the patient's bedside. 

Likewise, it should not be refrigerated prior to microbiologic culture and staining for micro organisms because many of the causative organisms of meningitis are fastidious and fragile under most conditions outside the body. Protein, glucose, cell count, and other enzy matic or serologic tests of CSF are not adversely affected by refrigeration.