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This is what the body produces against an antigen. There are actually four polypeptide chains, two of which are light and two of which are heavy. Weak chain contains KAPH or LAMBDA while heavy chain contains Alpha, Gamma etc. Due to these heavy chains it is divided into five types.


It is a type of antibody that is produced immediately against any antigen in the body. Its life span is very short and when it combines with antigen, its chemical reaction cannot be seen. IgG is the major antibody in the blood and has a powerful ability to bind bacteria and toxins and thus plays an important role in the biological defense system. It is the only isotype that can cross the placenta, and the IgG transferred from the mother's body protects the newborn.


It is a type of antibody that is produced with some delay in response to an antigen, but has a long life and is quickly destroyed. One of its molecules is capable of interacting with five antigens. While IgG molecules can combine with an antigen. IgM consists of five basic Y-shaped structural units and is distributed primarily in the blood. First produced by B cells upon pathogen attack, IgM plays a key role in the primary immune system defense to protect the body


It is also a type of antibody that is produced in response to a specific antigen. These specific antigens are called allergens. And this happens in case of any type of allergy and they cause immediate reaction. It is believed that IgE was related to the immune response to parasites. By binding to mast cells, IgE is thought to be involved in allergies such as pollinosis.


This is an antibody that is present in all body fluids, it is called a cellular antibody. In the blood, IgA exists primarily as monomers (a single Y form), but it forms dimers (combinations of 2 Ys) in intestinal secretions, nasal secretions, and saliva, so that Can prevent bacterial invasion from mucus. membrane. It is also present in breast milk and protects the gastrointestinal tract of infants from bacterial and viral infections.


It is usually present on lymphocytes and is similar to IgG. IgDB is present on the surface of cells and is reported to play a role in antibody production and prevention of respiratory tract infections.