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Sputum Examination AFB

Like other body fluids, Sputum is also examined. It is tested in an illness to see if it contains any germs or blood and pus. The Sputum is actually a fluid produced inside the lungs, which is 95% water. and 5% other components are present. It is a viscous substance and its color may vary under different conditions.







Microscopic Examination

Culture of Sputum

Obtaining a sputum sample:

Before obtaining a sputum sample, the mouth should be thoroughly cleaned from the inside and the mucus should be coughed out.

Amount of sputum:

To determine the volume, the mucus is collected in a clean bottle

Condition of phlegm:

Consistency is the state of mucus

In normal condition it is laced. It can be thickened in diseases such as asthma.

Color of sputum:

In normal condition, sputum is clear and colorless, in diseases its color changes. In cases of infection and pneumonia Its color turns yellow. If its color is green, it is a sign of Mysode Vsonas infection. If the color is red, it indicates the presence of blood

One of the reasons for this can be TB. Lung cancer can also cause bleeding.

Microscopic examination:

sputum slide is prepared for this Presence of AFB indicates TB.

If cancer cells are found, carbon particles can be found in smokers.

A direct smear can be visualized by placing a coverslip on it to reveal a moving parasite. Pus Cell or Eptich Cell is seen .When Gram stain is done, only disease organisms are looked for AFB requires ZN stain.

Usually AFB culture of sputum is done and the report is ready in 8-10 weeks.

The culture report of common bacteria is prepared in 48 hours and according to this report the disease can be controlled by using antibiotics.


One part of mucus is mixed with 100 parts of normal saline and then cultured. Blood agar and chocolate agar are used for this and the plate is kept at 37C for 24 hours. If TB is suspected.

sputum is applied to the LJ.


 blood agar and chocolate agar plates are examined and disease-causing bacteria are selected for their micrograms.

Identification is done with the help of stain and then its sensitivity is calculated


Its sensitivity is observed and its report is prepared with the help of bacteria His name is identified and written in the report. If the culture is plated on LJ medium, it is prepared after eight days.