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Thyroid Function Test:

Thyroid gland is one of the various glands present in our body. Yet place in important role in were body.. The thyroid gland produces several fluids that we play a role in.

Thyroid hormone plays an important role in the metabolism in the human body. The hormone plays a role in carbohydrate and lead metabolism in the body. If there is a deficiency or excess of the hormone in the body, it affects the metabolism.

Height increase due to lack of this hormone in children affects their physical growth and mental development. There is mental anxiety and heat

The feeling is more. If there is a difference in the size of the thyroid gland, it causes goiter, so in these cases, a test is done to know the thyroid function before treatment.

in this artical:


Serum T3 Triiodothyroxine:
Tera-iodothyroxine Serum T4:
Thyroid hormone control:
Increased serum T3 levels:
Decreased serum T3 levels:
Serum T4 levels are elevated:
Decreased serum T4 levels:
TSH levels decrease:
High TSH levels:

Thyroid Hormone

Serum T3:

It is the active form of thyroid hormone that controls various metabolisms in the body.

Serum T4:

It is a hormone of the thyroid gland which is present in the blood and when needed it is converted into T4 and T3.


This hormone is produced within the pituitary gland and controls the production of thyroid hormones. Low T4 levels in the serum increase TSH levels, if T4 levels are high, TSH levels in the blood decrease.

Thyroid hormone control:


(TRH)Thyroid-learing hormone




T3, T4

The following tests are done for its performance:

Serum T3

Serum T4

Serum TSH

Serum T3 Triiodothyroxine:

The normal range is 230 - 110 nanograms per millimeter

110 - 230 Ng ldl

Increased serum T3 levels:

Serum T3 levels rise above normal due to the following reasons.

* If the thyroid gland is overactive, serum T3 levels will be higher       than normal.

٭ T3 thyrotoxicosis causes its level to increase 

Decreased serum T3 levels:

٭ Serum T3 levels fall below normal due to the following reasons.

٭ If for some reason the performance of the thyroid gland is                 reduced,  then the serum T3 level is less than normal.

٭ Excessive starvation causes serum T3 levels to fall below normal

Tera-iodothyroxine Serum T4:

A normal value is 12.5 - 5 micrograms per sixteen millimeters

5 - 12.5 ug/dl

Serum T4 levels are elevated:

The following are the causes of elevated serum T4 levels:

٭ Its level increases due to hyperthyroidism.

٭ Inflammation of the thyroid gland increases the level

Decreased serum T4 levels:

Serum T4 levels may be low for the following reasons:

٭In the condition of shrinking of the liver, this colleol is reduced.

٭Serum T4 levels decrease due to dietary deficiency

٭Nephrosis causes its level to decrease

٭If the efficiency of the thyroid gland is low, its level will decrease      due to this.

٭Myxoedema can cause its level to decrease

٭Cretinism can cause its level to decrease


Its normal value varies as a result of different methods. It is normal only a laboratory report can tell،

TSH levels decrease:

The TSH level decreases due to the following reasons.

٭Its level decreases with the use of thiaroxine pills.

٭Due to under-functioning of the pituitary gland, its level decreases

High TSH levels:
٭ If the pituitary gland is working more than normal, this calliol is        high.
٭ If there is a deficiency of iodine in the body, the TSH level                 increases